Casting Process
What are the Advantages of Casting Process over Fabrication Process?

By vr foundries on 17-October-2019

There are several advantages that casting process has over customer metal fabrication process. For example, during the fabrication process, welding produces more distortion and stress owing to localized heat. Casting, on the contrary, produces an increasingly homogeneous micro-structure because there is no affected zone.  Besides, casting process can produce a higher-quality end product. Here are the benefits of casting process over fabrication process:

  • Capability to transition material thickness and inclusion of a number of radii that minimizes stress.
  • On the approval of a pattern, each casting is identical against fabrication that is more prone to human error and incorrect assembling of parts.
  • Casting complex shapes, sizes and dimensions is not complicated as in the case of fabrication.
  • Conversion of a steel fabrication to a ductile iron casting provides advantages of machinability.
  • Ductile iron exhibits increased vibration dampening characteristics.

There’re also considerable cost savings that can be achieved due to the below-mentioned factors:

  • Casting gets rid of many processes, lowering production time.
  • Multiple castings are possible at one time.
  • No special skills needed as casting production can be merely automated as against the likes of skills needed for fabrication and welding.
  • Materials are utilized effectively as “drops/crops” are not essentially included in the material cost.
  • Material costs are reduced when ductile iron is used versus steel fabrications.